Posts Tagged ‘wind’


Posted: May 18, 2011 in NAU, Other
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Chilling winds, pouring rain, heavy clouds, blowing snow; how is anyone suppose to get used to the seemingly bipolar weather in Flagstaff, Arizona, especially if you’re one from the Phoenix area or any other place that’s hot most of the time?

I know that many incoming freshman are constantly worried about the weather up in Flagstaff. I mean heck, it was snowing last week, and last year all the finals were basically cancelled because of snow in the middle of May! Not to mention the constant wind and the few feet of snow that piles up during the regular winter hours.

Being from California, I know what it’s like to be anxious about that kind of weather. I moved to Payson, Arizona three years ago and not only was it a huge culture shock, but it was also a huge change in weather. I went from the semi-sunny beaches of Southern California to the wind and rain of monsoon seasons and snow of winter seasons up here in the mountains. It was a huge change, and I know that it’s a change that many incoming freshmen and transfers are going to be experiencing this fall and winter as they get used to the beautiful Flagstaff weather.

So, how is it possible for a flatlander (no offense) to get used to such weather? Well, wear layers. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wanted to slap myself in the face when I see a girl (or guy) walking around in shorts in 5 degree weather…especially if the girl decides to wear Uggs as well. I mean, what’s the point? Also, if you’re not keen on such weather, don’t go outdoors too often. It is definitely fun to go outside, build snowmen, have snowball fights, and sit in the snow for hours-on-end (I know from experience), however, not only will more experienced Flagstaff-weather students look at you funny, but you may also catch a cold, miss your classes, and ultimately fail college…well at least that semester.

So, go find that favorite coffee place of yours, wait for the snowy season to come in, and hide out there, sit by a fireplace (if they have one, of course..if not, find an espresso machine), drink your hot coffee, and watch and laugh as others slide about with red noses acting as if they enjoy such weather.

Disclaimer: I do love this type of weather, and am for sure a winter person. Don’t get me wrong. 

The only reason why I decided to post this today was because it’s been windy and rainy all day which has gotten me in a writing mood…:)