Posts Tagged ‘AZ’

This is a master list of questions that you guys have typed into Google to find my page. I’ve seen a lot of these questions and have been able to answer them. The ones I don’t know? I ask around. I will continue to keep track of the questions and add to this list as I go. Hope this helps!

1) Do any of the NAU dorms have air conditioning?
No. Unfortunately, none of the NAU halls have air conditioning.  This is their way of saving energy (Flagstaff is a very very GREEN town; everything is about saving the world). However, fortunately, it’s pretty cold most of the time you’re here. With the exception of summer terms and the first month of school, air conditioning is never really even needed. We do have heaters! However, only controllable by the Resident Hall Director (however, you can change how much heat you want in your room). Suggestions to get around this? Buy a fan. I’m not talking about a little mini desk fan, I’m talking a big guy. It will help not only keep your room cooler during the hot month, but also keep your room more sound proof from the hallways!

2) I’m too scared to meet people in my dorm hall.
Why? Honestly, there’s no reason to be scared! Sure, a lot of people can be immature, but for the most part, people in college are really nice. At NAU, almost everyone opens the door for you. However, if you’re scared, just remember other people are scared as well. It’s a new environment for everyone in your hall (considering you’re a freshman). Suggestions? Keep your door open! This is an invitation for others to stop by and say hello! It might be awkward at first, but you’ll be living with these people for the next 9 months, so it always helps to get to know them. Also, visit rooms with their doors open! It shows that they’re looking to meet new people and get to know the people around them. Overall, don’t be scared. People are nicer than you may think, especially when everyone else is scared as well!

3) Which NAU freshman hall has the most guys?
I think I posed this question before on the Life as a Lumberjack Tumblr. I believe Sechrist may have the most guys, however I’m not sure. It also ranges year-to-year depending on how many/what types of applicants NAU gets. For the most part, NAU is mostly girls. I’ve heard a rumor that it’s about 2-3 girls per guy. For guys, that’s a good thing. For us girls, not so much.

4) What are different ways to rearrange your dorm room?
I am actually planning on making a post about this. I will link to it as soon as I do! For the most part, it ranges on your creativity level.

5) What are the first few weeks of school like?
Well gosh. This certainly depends on your grade level. However, since I’m a freshman, I will answer this as a freshman.
The first few weeks are honestly a little bit intimidating. You’re having to get used to a whole new environment and schedule. The first day of classes are usually a bit hectic. There are always freshmen scattered everywhere with obvious confused looks on their faces. Everyone is either lost or carrying around a map. There are those few (including myself) who know their way around, but for the most part, it’s a confusing mess. The first classes are intimidating. However, the first week is always syllabus week. This means professors spend forever lecturing on what the semester is going to look like. Make sure you hold on to your syllabus’. They have important dates, deadlines, and grade information.
After the first week, you usually fall into a schedule and routine. You know where your classes are, you know how to get back to your hall (I’ve had a freshman ask me where her hall was), and you know what your classes are like, for the most part. This is the routine you’re stuck in for the next semester. You’ll meet new people, either learn to like or hate your teachers, and learn that procrastination is no longer a viable option in college.
It’s fun. The first few weeks are exciting.

6) Can freshmen live in Gillenwater Hall at NAU?
No. Gillenwater is a sophomore hall  located on North campus across from the Union. Freshmen are not allowed to live in it. Freshman halls include Sechrist, Allen, Reilly, Wilson, Cowden, Tinsley, and McConnell.

7) How do I move all my stuff into the dorms at NAU?
Most people use cars & boxes. Once you get to your hall at NAU, you check in, they give you your key and a cart (if you need one) to put your stuff in. Then, bring your stuff to your room, and put it in there.

8) Do you like Northern Arizona University?
Yes. I love NAU. Honestly, I love the atmosphere, the people, and the classes. I like how everything is walking distance and it’s a beautiful walk (with the exception of the large amount of construction that always seems to be going on). I would recommend it above any other Arizona school.

9) How do I tell dorm to be quiet?
Talk to your RA. If your floor is having issues and it’s past quiet hours, they can certainly write them up. Even when it’s not quiet hours, there are courtesy hours, meaning they cannot simply blast their music and scream down the hall. The best thing you can do is talk to your Resident Assistant. They will be able to help you out.

10) If you’re a girl can you have guys roommates at NAU?

Hey guys,

First off, I just want to say that starting next week, I will be doing scheduled posts every Sunday so that way it is more of a timed weekly thing and more organized. I think that this will make it easier for you guys to keep up with this blog and my posts about college life. I may do a random extra post once in a while throughout the week, so keep that in mind as well! It really just depends.

Now for the more important things. This past week has been my first week of college here at NAU. For many other freshmen, it’s been a relaxing yet scary time of minimum classes and homework, and maximum hanging out and enjoying the first week of college. For me, it’s been a crazy and hectic week with practically every minute of each day planned out to the max with classes, homework, and, well of course, hanging out with a few friends.

Northern Arizona University has a large campus and approximately 17,000-18,000 students attending classes. Because of all of the people, there are many times where it’s hard to get around quickly, even on a bike, because of the floods of people constantly contained on all of the main ways to reach classes. NAU is so full of diversity and interesting people, though, that it makes it more fun oftentimes. I’ve also found that The Union, a popular place to eat lunch during the weekdays, is often filled to the max with students trying to get a quick bite to eat in before classes…although this week, it hasn’t appeared to be very quick.

With that said, NAU is a beautiful campus, and I am grateful to know my way almost completely around North Campus. Because none of my classes are South Campus, I honestly couldn’t tell you much about it yet, and I almost never am down that way. However, it’s been really nice being able to know my way around North Campus, and even direct some upperclassmen around because they may have not had classes up here in a long time. I love how there are always people around, just chilling in the quad, playing basketball, talking and laughing with each other, and just enjoying their experiences in college. It makes it such a fun environment, and really has a great college vibe that gets me excited everyday to be here.

The quickest way I’ve found to get to classes is by using my bike. It honestly only takes me a couple of minutes to get from Reilly to any of my class building with my bike, and I always end up being early. I’ve heard the bus is a good way to go as well, and will especially be useful in the winter, although it gets crowded especially during major class times. Walking is a good way to go if you’re just wanting to leisurely get to class and enjoy the environment around you, and if you’re not in a huge rush. This way, you can better experience the people and the scenes going on around you, and really take in the awesome college experience. However, if you’re more in a rush, I would not recommend walking unless you absolutely have to.

All of my professors are males, ranging from grad students (math and English) to senior professors (everything else). They are all great professors and for the most part, I really like a majority of them. Although most of my classes are liberal studies this semester, I’m really excited to get started with more of my Journalism classes and be able to meet more professors interested in what I’m really interested in.

I mentioned The Union in an early paragraph. I really quite enjoy all of the options that they have available there, although I can see how they might get tiring after a few weeks. There is a lot of good food offered, and I really like not feeling like I’m spending money when I want to grab something to eat between/after classes. Having a meal plan through the university is a really great thing, and I almost have too many meals to use! The one complaint I’d have about it is how busy it gets during main eating hours, however if you can go when it’s not as busy, I’d really suggest that.

If you have any more questions on my first week of school, feel free to comment and let me know. I know this was a more general summary of how my week went, and less personal. I may add a more personal summary tomorrow as my weekly Sunday post.


On September 23rd, 2010, ABOR (the Arizona Board of Regents) got together and came up with a new master plane for NAU’s campus. The article was written and published here on Dark City Times.

I honestly think that it looks great. Although I know that it means that there’s most likely going to be a lot more construction going on during my next four years there, It will definitely be for the best. It sounds like there is going to be a lot more transportation and more beautiful views. The computerized images look great and I think NAU will look even more stunning after all of the work that they put into it.

What do you think? Good idea or no? Do you think that it’s worth the next few years of construction? Do you think it will greatly improve the University?


Posted: April 27, 2011 in Other
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flagstaff, arizona.

Not sure who took the photo, but I got the photo from Life as a Lumberjack.