About the Blogger

Hello faithful followers and readers,

I’m assuming that the fact that you have clicked the link above means that you either 1) want to know more about the person who is feeding you this information on the blog, or 2) you really have nothing better to do and are just so bored that you are willing to read almost anything at this point.

If you are number 2, go ahead and check out this hilarious page. If you are an English nerd like me, you may enjoy it and maybe even get a laugh out of it.

However, if you are number 1 (or even if you’re number 2 and you’ve either finished reading the link I gave you and didn’t like it or just want to keep reading my beautiful writing), here’s a little information about myself.

My name is Ashley, and I am a freshman at Northern Arizona University. Now, you may be thinking that my information is not legit or satisfying enough for you because I am a freshman and my tastes are different. Well, way to be closed-minded. If that is the case, then go ahead and read some official newspaper written by experienced adults.

Moving on, I am majoring in Electronic Media & Film and minoring in Journalism, so I will soon be more than eligible to write stuff like this – except I’d get paid for it! How exciting is that!

My main career path is that of a writer. I would love to just travel the world and write nonstop and publish many books to become a best-seller. However, I must not get too far ahead of myself. I will start out with journalism (for any potential newspapers/magazines/publications reading this – I am a great writer!) and move on from there.

After my four years in Flagstaff, unless something else comes my way, my plan is to move either back to California (where I lived for fourteen years of my life), or somewhere to the east coast. I would love to go to Johns Hopkins University for graduates school and get a masters in Creative Writing, however it is so expensive and hard to get into (though that doesn’t mean I’m not going to try). In case you were planning on asking me, in ten years I see myself living either in California or the east coast (Virginia, New York, or Maryland) hopefully with a family and a few published books. I see myself working in some publication, doing what I love most: writing.

If you have any other questions, go ahead and shoot me an email, northernazcollegelife@gmail.com, and I would be glad to answer them. Also, if you have any submissions (pictures, articles, reviews, ect.) that you would like me to publish (with credit to you, of course), send it to me in an email, I will look over it, and if I believe it is suitable for the blog, I will publish it for you.

My goal is to turn this blog into something that really takes off. I want any incoming/current students and residents to be able to read this for ideas on the hottest places to eat, chill, and just to really be able to take in the beauty of Flagstaff through writing.
Thank you once again my lovely readers, and have a fantastic day,
Ashley ❤

P.S. If you notice any mistakes in grammar, spelling, or word choice, please remember that I am human and that mistakes happen.

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