Archive for September, 2012

Hey guys,

So I have been thinking about this a lot lately as people have been getting settled down in their dorms, apartments, and roommates for the rest of the school year. I thought it would be a good time to post about how to get along with your new roommate (whether you have known them before or not).

My freshman year, I was extremely lucky to have a really great roommate. She and I got along so well that now we are great friends. We didn’t fight much, and respected each other to a good degree. Now, I am in an apartment off campus living with three guys (including my brother). Although I now have my own room, I find it harder to get along with them than I did with my previous roommate. She also has a harder time getting along with her current roommate, as she lives on campus again this year.

So, if you find yourself having a harder time getting along with your roommate, try and keep these things in mind.

1) (if you’re a freshman) He\she is just as new and scared of the new campus as you are. They are also getting used to their new schedule and new lifestyle. Give yourselves time and be sure to console with your roommate. It will give you two a chance to bond and you may also pick up some good advice.
2) Be completely honest in your roommate agreement. If you don’t want your roommate borrowing your clothes, say no! It may be awkward at first but it will work out better for both of you in the end.
3) Listen to your RAs when they tell you to tell your roommate whenever you may have a problem with them. Is he being too loud getting ready in the morning? Do you not like falling asleep to the TV on? Let them know.
4) Don’t complain about your roommate to friends. This will give you more reason to not like them because you will be complaining to yourself and once you start telling people, it will become more than true in your mind.
5) Try to see from each other’s point of view. If she is going out late every night, find out why and don’t judge her. If he has depression, don’t beat up on him, just take a moment to try and understand where he’s coming from.

These are just five of many tips on getting along with your roommate. If you have any other questions about college roommate living, then feel free to comment or send me an email at Even if you need some specific advice on getting along with your roommate, feel free to message me and I will respond to you privately. 🙂