Archive for April, 2012

Spring semester of 2012 is wrapping up. Finals are right around the corner, seniors are preparing for graduation, and current freshmen are excited to finally move up from the bottom of the food chain. 

Throughout my first year here at NAU, I’ve learned a few things that I’d like to pass on to you future freshmen who are so excited to come here. If you have any additional questions, email them to me at or comment. 🙂

1) Try to get along with your roommate. It makes things so much easier. 

2) Along with number 1, don’t talk crap about your roommate behind his/her back. It just gives you more reason to dislike them and creates more complications. Besides, it’s just wrong and it’s annoying for those passers-by who get to hear all about how your roommate likes to walk around naked in the middle of the night. 

3) Transfers are not only used for the Hotspot. Many restaurants around campus use transfers. Look out for signs stating exactly what you can get as a transfer.

4) Get involved…meet people who are interested in the same things as you!

5) Your RA is going to try to plan activities to get you to meet people on your floor and in your building. Get involved in those. I regret never getting to know anyone on my floor.

6) If you run out of nail polish remover, your neighbor will have some.

7) As nice as they are, don’t wear NAU t-shirts every day….they make you look like a freshman.

8) Late classes are fun because you get to sleep in. However, what about that job you’re looking to get? You won’t get hired if every day you’re not done until 6pm. 

9) NAU transportation sucks. 

10) Freshman year is a whole new experience. It’s nothing like high school. You will lose friends and you will gain new friends. You will change, so be prepared. Everything is going to be new, different, and great. If you’re scared, talk to someone who already attends NAU and ask them questions. We’re here to help. We’ve all been through it.