Archive for February, 2012

Coughs, sniffles, and the inevitable sore throat; NAU has been hit with a horrible bug.

Students all over campus have been stuck in their rooms, “forced” to ditch class and mumble to their pillows how much they hate their lives; a cough or two in between each word.

With the snow storm this past week, more and more people have fallen ill with a rough cold or even the dreaded flu that many fliers warn us about all throughout campus. My roommate and I are two of the people who have caught this illness, and we have been practically locked in our dorm room all week, forcing tons of vitamin C down our throats in attempt to get better.

If you have been one of those lucky enough to not have gotten sick yet, be sure to wash your hands plenty and take your vitamins. Try not to be one of the unlucky ones!


So in case you haven’t yet heard, All American Rejects will be NAU’s free spring concert this semester.

The concert is going to take place on March 31st in the Walkup Skydome. *This has been confirmed.

Now, many people are pretty angered by this. Why? Well I’m not sure. ASNAU picked All American Rejects based on student polls that were sent out a couple of months ago. Students were asked to vote on different comedians and bands to come this spring semester and perform. All American Rejects won out by about 100 students. Many people aren’t very happy about this.

First, let me take the time to point out that not very many people voted. For the many people who go to NAU, only a couple thousand voted. It’s not like ASNAU rigged the polls to make All American Rejects won. Many people that I have talked to voted for them. However, they were voted mostly for the nostalgic feel of hearing them again. People who are against AAR coming are arguing that this band is dead when in fact they are supposedly coming out with a new album this year.

So, for the students who are against AAR coming to town, who are they wanting to come instead? Kid Cudi and Wiz Khalifa. These two artists were the two runners-up (with AAR being 932, Kid Cudi at 851, and Wiz Khalifa at 719). It’s no doubt that these polls ended up pretty close. However, unfortunately for hip-hop and rap fans, the alternative genre won and the other guys will simply have to suck it up and not take advantage of this semester’s free spring concert.

Update: Tickets will be available in the Union at the ticket center on March 25th at 8pm.

Let’s take a second poll, shall we? Who did YOU want to come to NAU this semester?
