Wilson Hall Room Tour (Double)

Posted: November 11, 2011 in NAU, Residence Halls, Rooms

Wilson Hall is a coed hall with coed floors that houses 422 students. Every room in Wilson is a double. This Hall is located directly on central campus and is one of the three main buildings that make up the North Quad (the other two being Allen Hall and Aspen Crossing). The hall itself offers community bathrooms, community kitchens, community laundry rooms, a computer lab, and an exercise room. It is one of the halls a part of the Freshman Connections program.

Wilson’s rooms offers 2 loftable/bunkable beds (Yes, these can be lofted, as shown in picture above), a fridge, 2 wardrobes (different than the built-in closets in halls like Reilly), 2 chairs, 2 desks, 2 dressers, a sink, 3 outlets, a trash can, a recycle bin, a wall-mounted mirror above the sink, overhead shelves, 2 windows with vertical blinds, a telephone jack, and 2 ethernet hookups.

Beds are all XL Twin size, however not all halls allow lofting of the beds. However, Wilson’s beds are able to and allowed to be lofted in order to easily fit a desk, dresser, and anything else underneath in order to save space.

Although the rooms are a bit bigger than other Freshman Connection rooms, there are wardrobe-style closets instead of built-in closets. However, there looks to be quite a bit of storage space nonetheless.

The one sink in the room is located right next to the door in all of the rooms.

All furniture included in the dorm is brand new as of the summer of 2011.

Here are a few more pictures:

Thanks to Sarah M. for the pictures and NAU for the information.

Want to be a part of this? Email any photos of YOUR room to northernazcollegelife@gmail.com and I will write up a post about it!

  1. Yemisi says:

    This was so helpful!! Thank You!

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