Archive for September, 2011

Picture provided by NAU

As you walk down the hall inside Reilly you’ll notice a fun atmosphere of energetic freshmen excited as their first year in college rolls on by. Each floor offers its own lobby as well as 40+ rooms (with the exception of the first floor) with 2-3 people each. This room tour is of a double (2) room, so we will act as if this were the case. I will be doing a tour with a triple as well to show what those can look like.

In this room, there are 2 adjustable (but not loft-able) beds, 2 desks (with desk chairs), a small fridge (with a freezer), a trash can, a recycle bin, storage above the desk, 2 built-in closets, 2 dressers, a sink, a mirror above the sink with a medicine cabinet, and a large window. Everything else shown in  pictures did not come with the room; they were brought from home (or bought).

The above picture shows an example of something one could do with their room. The closet offers plenty of closet space, as shown:

Inside the closet there is a clothing rod, ability to put up curtains (through clips), and 2 large shelves with a divider between. When first coming into the room, the dresser is found inside the closet as well, however there are wheels at the bottom that makes it easily movable.

There is plenty of wall space to put up various wall-art. However, walls are too thick for staples or nails, so the only way to put things up are to use sticky substances. Command Strip has a nail that you can stick to the wall to hang up anything needing to be hanged (like the metal art that is shown above); however it can be a little pricey. There is a ledge above the 2 beds that stretches all the way across that allows thin objects to be placed above the bed. Note that the cabinet/pantry on the left of the bed did not come with the room. It was brought from home.

Speaking of wall art, there is plenty of space above and below the large window for any other wall decorations you may want to put up.

As I said in the above post, there are 2 desks and a fridge that comes with the room. The fridge, when first coming in, was originally placed between the 2 beds at the head of the beds. However, it has been moved in between the 2 desks. This makes it easy for any magnetic white boards or calenders to be accessed without having to buy any extra sticky substance for the walls (plus your snack food is right there). Every desk has a drawer, a storage unit (with capability to be locked), as well as 2 pull-out desks that makes it easy to do homework when there is a computer on the main part (as shown). Desk chairs do come with every hall, however not everyone has the same ones.

Here’s an example of the storage above the desks. It is about a foot and a half tall  and is great for iHomes, decorations, school supplies, movies, books, and anything else that you see fit.

The fridge (and a small TV brought from home).

A view of the sink in relation to the desk and bed. This was taken the day I moved in. This is why it’s different, messy, and with boxes. I forgot to take a picture of this area earlier. This will be updated at a later time.

Another note: Every room in every hall offers free internet, free cable TV (Reilly has assistance readily available to help with set-up of both), as well as a public restroom with public showers (and a bath?). There are 4 sets of stairs; one at each end of the building and one in the middle. There are 2 elevators as well.

I will put up pictures/information of the entire hall later on and link to it. Stay in tune!

Note: This is my room. This is also an example of picture’s I’d like from anyone submitting (make sure you remember the sink area if you have one. I originally forgot). Remember if you’d like to submit, check out the Guidelines  and email them to The list of what I still need is on the sidebar on the left. Thanks!

Also check out Reilly Hall Room Tour (Triple).

Hey guys,

The past two weeks have been completely insane as I’ve been getting used to my new schedule with balancing school, friends, ect. I’ve been in classes, meeting new people, hanging out with old friends, and overall just enjoying my college experience as a freshman.

On Friday, it snowed on the I-17 outside of Flagstaff because it was so cold and rainy (snowy) out. My friends and I went to explore, but we went in the afternoon and by then it had already melted. However, we did have some fun taking pictures out in the forest, which I will post at the end.

As the third week is coming to a start, I just want to urge everyone to get to me with pictures and videos of their rooms. I still need someone to sign up for each dorm except for Reilly. I will probably be making and printing out fliers to post around campus to remind you. If you’re interested, or don’t know what I’m talking about, take a look at this link and this link. I’m really wanting to get these out there by the end of the month for future freshman applicants so they will know what they’re looking for when selecting their dorms. Not to mention current students who want to look at possible future dorms; so upperclassmen, send your stuff in!

Another note, I listed the halls in the sidebar on the left. The description is above the list. This way, you guys know what I do and don’t have. 🙂

Remember, if you’d like me to come and take pictures/video for you, just email me and let me know.

Also, I just wanted to announce again that starting next week, I am going to be an official reporter for NAZ Today. This means I’ll be more able to get stories and interviews, as well as the experience that comes along with it. This also means that I will be interviewing more people specifically for stories to post onto here every Sunday.

Once I start getting my dorm pictures/videos, I will be posting one every Wednesday starting this Wednesday with my own room as an example. Make sure you look out for that! If you are a follower of Life of a Lumberjack, I will also be posting a link from there so that you’re fully updated with my dorm posts. 🙂

If you guys have any questions or anything you’d like me to address in a future post, either comment or email me at

Everyone have a good and safe third week of school!

Hey guys,

First off, I just want to say that starting next week, I will be doing scheduled posts every Sunday so that way it is more of a timed weekly thing and more organized. I think that this will make it easier for you guys to keep up with this blog and my posts about college life. I may do a random extra post once in a while throughout the week, so keep that in mind as well! It really just depends.

Now for the more important things. This past week has been my first week of college here at NAU. For many other freshmen, it’s been a relaxing yet scary time of minimum classes and homework, and maximum hanging out and enjoying the first week of college. For me, it’s been a crazy and hectic week with practically every minute of each day planned out to the max with classes, homework, and, well of course, hanging out with a few friends.

Northern Arizona University has a large campus and approximately 17,000-18,000 students attending classes. Because of all of the people, there are many times where it’s hard to get around quickly, even on a bike, because of the floods of people constantly contained on all of the main ways to reach classes. NAU is so full of diversity and interesting people, though, that it makes it more fun oftentimes. I’ve also found that The Union, a popular place to eat lunch during the weekdays, is often filled to the max with students trying to get a quick bite to eat in before classes…although this week, it hasn’t appeared to be very quick.

With that said, NAU is a beautiful campus, and I am grateful to know my way almost completely around North Campus. Because none of my classes are South Campus, I honestly couldn’t tell you much about it yet, and I almost never am down that way. However, it’s been really nice being able to know my way around North Campus, and even direct some upperclassmen around because they may have not had classes up here in a long time. I love how there are always people around, just chilling in the quad, playing basketball, talking and laughing with each other, and just enjoying their experiences in college. It makes it such a fun environment, and really has a great college vibe that gets me excited everyday to be here.

The quickest way I’ve found to get to classes is by using my bike. It honestly only takes me a couple of minutes to get from Reilly to any of my class building with my bike, and I always end up being early. I’ve heard the bus is a good way to go as well, and will especially be useful in the winter, although it gets crowded especially during major class times. Walking is a good way to go if you’re just wanting to leisurely get to class and enjoy the environment around you, and if you’re not in a huge rush. This way, you can better experience the people and the scenes going on around you, and really take in the awesome college experience. However, if you’re more in a rush, I would not recommend walking unless you absolutely have to.

All of my professors are males, ranging from grad students (math and English) to senior professors (everything else). They are all great professors and for the most part, I really like a majority of them. Although most of my classes are liberal studies this semester, I’m really excited to get started with more of my Journalism classes and be able to meet more professors interested in what I’m really interested in.

I mentioned The Union in an early paragraph. I really quite enjoy all of the options that they have available there, although I can see how they might get tiring after a few weeks. There is a lot of good food offered, and I really like not feeling like I’m spending money when I want to grab something to eat between/after classes. Having a meal plan through the university is a really great thing, and I almost have too many meals to use! The one complaint I’d have about it is how busy it gets during main eating hours, however if you can go when it’s not as busy, I’d really suggest that.

If you have any more questions on my first week of school, feel free to comment and let me know. I know this was a more general summary of how my week went, and less personal. I may add a more personal summary tomorrow as my weekly Sunday post.
