Dorm/School Essentials

Posted: July 22, 2011 in NAU
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So as we have one month left until school, I’m sure many of you freshmen, like myself, are wondering what exactly we are going to need for our dorms and just for school in general? It’s hard to know exactly what to get for when we start the new chapter in our life at college, and sometimes it’s hard to figure that out.

I’ve found two different sites that help a lot with that sort of thing. One is FreshmanTips, which I find to be very helpful in a lot of ways to freshmen. There is also this other site that I got emailed to me by a college-finding website I signed up for in my senior year. I usually delete those emails, considering I’m no longer in high school, but this one caught my eye, and I’m glad I did.

The links to the pages are here and here. So you can take a look for yourself, but I will highlight the things that seem to have stood out the most to me.

1) Don’t bring a lot of stuff; only what you need. I feel like this has been repeated constantly for a while on every site that has tips for moving into dorms. This is really helpful because I probably would have brought a lot of stuff…and ended up with absolutely no space in my room. When I pack, I’m going to be sure I set aside plenty of boxes labeled “For Storage” until I get an apartment…

2) Shower stuff (shoes, carrier, ect.) is a must. Don’t go unprepared with just a couple of shampoo’s and conditioner. Make sure you have a special set of shower shoes and some sort of carrier for your shower stuff. Otherwise, it won’t be too fun.

3) Extension Cords. I know for Reilly at least, there’s only one or two outlets. Well, keep in mind that we are teenagers…actually, we’re human. We have a lot of electronics. It’s the 21st century. Bring plenty of extension cords, or plan on buying them.

4) A fan. It may seem silly. We’re going to Flagstaff, one of the coolest parts of Arizona, and it’ll be the middle of winter. However, keep in mind that NAU does NOT have air conditioning. We are also going at the end of August, one of the hottest months of the summer. Your room will get hot. End of story.

I think those are 4 of the most important things. Obviously, there are plenty more important things, but I feel like those are things that people overlook, and I certainly did.

If any upperclassmen have any other input, please let me know. 🙂

  1. College & Other Pesky Things says:

    I loved having a bin to keep my text books in! I used a large one and it set on the floor between my bed and my desk. Text books are usually too large to fit on the shelf they give you, and it is nice to have them all in one place.

  2. […] you haven’t checked them out yet, take a look at my Dorm/School Essentials post and my Textbooks post for resources to help you get everything you […]

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