
Posted: May 8, 2011 in NAU, Other

I just wanted to say how happy I am that I’ve had so much support already for this blog. 🙂 Not only do I have almost 300 views already, way more than I expected at this point (especially considering I haven’t even officially started..until next Sunday), but I’ve just gotten plenty of support from you guys and it’s awesome.

I wanted to announce my recent “promotion” to the lovely Life as a Lumberjack blog  that I’ve been referring to. So, if you have any questions regarding being an incoming freshman, head over there and I’ll be happy to answer them. If you prefer, you may also email me at northernazcollegelife@gmail.com. I will respond and publish (if you desire) as soon as possible.

One more thing…17 more days until graduation, and I’m finally going to be considered a college student! This is a moment I’ve been looking forward to my entire life…and it’s finally almost here. I cannot even fully express my excitement and unbelief at how fast this has approached!

On that note, remember I will be going to visit Flagstaff next Sunday. If you have anything you’d like me to blog about, send me an email or comment.

Thank you,


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